Interview with Adrian Belew on The Artist Shop's online Talk City Chat
Date Submitted: 11-Sep-1998
Submitted By: Daniel Kirkdorffer (DanKirkd at aol dot com)
September 9, 1998
<WotanCCC> Ok folks, lets get started...
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> ----------------------------------
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> . Welcome to tonights
<WotanCCC> . Artist Shop
<WotanCCC> . Featured Artist Conference
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> . An evening with
<WotanCCC> . Adrian Belew
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> . Presented by
<WotanCCC> . @Music and TalkCity
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> ----------------------------------
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Adrian's was certainly a fast rising star. From
<WotanCCC> Zappa to Bowie to Talking Heads to King Crimson.
<WotanCCC> And how about Paul Simon, Laurie Anderson, Jean
<WotanCCC> Michel Jarre, Ryuichi Sakamoto, etc., etc.? With
<WotanCCC> a talent like Adrian's he was bound to go somewhere
<WotanCCC> fast. "The Acoustic Adrian Belew" is just the first
<WotanCCC> in what we hope will be a long line of independent releases.
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> BelewPrints, Subtitled 'The Acoustic Adrian Belew
<WotanCCC> Volume Two', Adrian once again takes out his sturdy
<WotanCCC> acoustic to revisit some songs from his past including
<WotanCCC> songs from Op Zop Too Wah, a couple numbers from
<WotanCCC> King Crimson and Adrian's historic live performance
<WotanCCC> of John Lennon's 'Free As a Bird' before a King
<WotanCCC> Crimson concert on November 25, 1995 at the
<WotanCCC> Longacre Theater in New York City.
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Adrian, thank you for joining us tonight.
<WotanCCC> .
<Opzop> hello!
<GaryArtistShop> The last time Adrian joined us for an Artist Shop chat was December of '96.
<GaryArtistShop> A lot has certainly happened since then.
<GaryArtistShop> Glad to have you back.
<WotanCCC> Lets start with an audience question...
<Audience Question> seemslikesalvation says: Is there any information you can give us about the new Nine Inch Nails album you worked on back in February?
<WotanCCC> Good questions seems....
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> To send a question to our guest use the following
<WotanCCC> format;
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Type /msg AskAdrian Your Question Here.
<WotanCCC> .
<Opzop> Trent Reznor was working on 40 different tracks divided into 2 categories
<Opzop> one of which he typified as being NIN material
<Opzop> the other of whichhe referred to as his "Tom Waits " album.
<Opzop> I played feverish guitar on more tracks than I can remember
<Opzop> as well as string bass,cello,mandolin,and lap steel
<Opzop> There were times when Trent operated my foot pedals,changing my sounds
<Opzop> while I played lengthy,hairy,solos.
<Opzop> GA
<GaryArtistShop> Any chance of some live performances with NIN?
<Opzop> I've not yet been asked by Trent,but I'd certainly entertain the idea.
<Opzop> The session was great fun and I can't wait to hear the record.GA
<Audience Question> goldieccc says: From the time you were old enough to know about music, did you want to be a musician?
<Opzop> I began singing at age 5,joined the school marching band at age 10 and I knew by then that
<Opzop> music was my calling.GA
<Audience Question> sisterray1 says: do you feel that king crimson has lost the edge it had in the 60s and 70s in terms of experimentation and orginality as king crimson has not been nearly as ground breaking in the last 18 years as it was say in the 72-74 lineup?
<Opzop> Listen to "Discipline" again.
<WotanCCC> I personally don't understand this question...
<WotanCCC> Do you get it a lot?
<Opzop> In terms of the current line-up,my only disappointment is that we haven't produced more material
<Opzop> but hopefully its on it's way.GA
<Audience Question> progchick says: Adrian, do you know if any more of the King Crimson ProjeKts are going to tour through the midwest again anytime soon?
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> To send a question to our guest use the following
<WotanCCC> format;
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Type /msg AskAdrian Your Question Here.
<WotanCCC> .
<Opzop> The only tour I know of is ProjeKCt Four playing in Colorado.They're rehearsing
<Opzop> here in my studio in early October
<Opzop> GA
<GaryArtistShop> And which members are in ProjeKCt four?
<Audience Question> brunson says: How does your daughter feel about being sampled on "Oh Daddy" being a young pop star on an recording with her father :)
<Opzop> Robert,Pat,Trey and Tony. GA
<Opzop> She quickly lost interest.Her interests lie more in the field of graphic arts.
<GaryArtistShop> Did you see Brunson's question?
<GaryArtistShop> I guess so ;-)
<WotanCCC> I just saw a video performance of you and your daughter doing Oh Daddy. Very cool.
<Opzop> But I'll never forget the amazed look on her face the first time she heard her voice being
<Opzop> double tracked.GA
<Audience Question> progchick says: Do you know when Laurie Anderson has another album planned and will you be involved with that?
<WotanCCC> Paging Mr. Sharkey....
<Opzop> No,I don't know when and Yes,I'd love to be involved.GA
<Audience Question> dan-etweb says: Have your vocal contributions to the Greater Crim undergone an R&D process much like the instrumentation has?
<WotanCCC> Interesting question.
<Opzop> I'm currently searching for new vocal stylings for the all-new 'm making
<Opzop> Perhaps the results will affect new Crimson material as well.GA
<GaryArtistShop> Adrian, can you tell us about the ProjeKCt Two performances? I've heard that Fripp has stated that during the performances he started to hear King Crimson and a call to active duty of the various members may be coming soon. What can you tell us?
<Opzop> I can tell you this:
<Opzop> I'm not going to try to answer Fripp questions for you.
<Opzop> From my P.O.V. ProjeKCt two was simply a new band playing new material.If it ends up
<Opzop> influencing new KC ..all the better.GA
<Audience Question> mrcrimson says: How is the new Bears album coming along? Is there a prospective release time? We Bears fans can't wait. :)
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> For more information on "BelewPrints"
<WotanCCC> and other Adrian Belew Recordings, please visit the Artist Shop web site at:
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<Opzop> We've currently recorded 10 tracks (Robert Fripp played a beautiful solo on 1 of them) and we're
<Opzop> hoping to have the record complete by the end of the year and released in the spring.
<Opzop> There are some terrific new songs from everyone.GA
<Audience Question> scowabunga says: Well, We know that overzealous fans can make celebrities get a little uptight about some of the things that fans do. Fripp doesn't dig having his photo taken and abruptly ended a show this past summer . Is there anything that your fans do that is a real bummer?
<Opzop> Somes it's distracting to hear audience members yelling out band member's names during
<Opzop> a performance.GA
<Audience Question> kaosoh says: how soon are you going back out on tour with the guitar? not that the drum thing wasn't fantastic
<Opzop>'s my plan
<WotanCCC> <--- taking notes
<Opzop> Make a stunning new power GTR trio record and take it on tour.
<Opzop> And that's exactly what I'm working on right now.
<Opzop> Anyone know a stunning Bass player and drummer?GA�
<Audience Question> ^slowhands^ says: how is it to now be a "Studio Owner" and all that comes with its success
<Opzop> Fabulous...It's my dream come true.
<Opzop> I've always said the recording studio is my preferred domain and now I live in one.GA
<Audience Question> burgerandy says: Mr. Belew, I want you to know that you're my favorite guitarist. I think you have one of the most creative styles in the industry
<Opzop> Thank you very much,do you have a question?GA
<WotanCCC> I think he just had a comment...
<Audience Question> alvert says: what do you think of the internet?
<Opzop> okay cool
<Opzop> It's like a giant enjoyable black hole.
<Opzop> I wish I had more time to explore.GA
<GaryArtistShop> Adrian, you mixed the video sound for Crimson's Live in Japan video (from a 1995 performance) and the result was fantastic! Were you at all involved in the mixing of the video sound for the recent archival releases of the Three of a Perfect Pair and The Noise videos?
<GaryArtistShop> Those being from '84 and '82 performances respectively.
<Opzop> No I wasn't.I did however mix a double live record from the 1995 touring band live on Broadway.GA
<GaryArtistShop> And when is that coming out?
<Audience Question> bjack1 says: is Time Groove ever going to be released?
<Opzop> That's up to DGM and I know they have a backlog of planned releases.GA
<GaryArtistShop> GREAT!
<Audience Question> brunson says: what were you doing when Mark McGwire broke Maris's record last evening?
<GaryArtistShop> LOL!
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> To send a question to our guest use the following
<WotanCCC> format;
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Type /msg AskAdrian Your Question Here.
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> I think we lost Adrian folks.
<WotanCCC> Maybe he's not a baseball fan....
<WotanCCC> Lets see if he gets back on...
<WotanCCC> We've really recieved some great questions tonight...
<WotanCCC> And we'll try to get to as many as possible.
<GaryArtistShop> Hey, folks. I just got a call from Adrian. He's on the line right now.
<GaryArtistShop> It seems the computer in his studio crashed.
<GaryArtistShop> Ooops!
<GaryArtistShop> So, I'll take dictation for Adrian.
<GaryArtistShop> The last question was about Time groove.
<WotanCCC> Ok, Gary is an old hand at this, so we'll just go on with some more questions.
<GaryArtistShop> ProjeKCt Two has decided to delay its release. Instead releasing Live Groove!
<GaryArtistShop> Which is a package of some of our better live shows!
<GaryArtistShop> ga
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Absent Lovers is a great document for that
<GaryArtistShop> As for Mark McGwire, I was having a birthday party for my 8 year old son, Stevie.
<WotanCCC> version of Crimso. Are there any more archival
<WotanCCC> releases planned for the 80's Crimson?
<WotanCCC> .
<GaryArtistShop> BTW, Ken wan't Progchick's email address LOL!
<GaryArtistShop> (Ken is Adrian's engineer)
<WotanCCC> There you go... a match made in TalkCity...
<GaryArtistShop> Regarding your question, Wotan, not that I know of.
<Audience Question> edbanatt says: Hi, Adrian, any plans to do acoustic sets with CGT?
<GaryArtistShop> We're trying to exhaust the archives before moving on.
<GaryArtistShop> We had a plan to do so in Japan, but it didn't work out.
<GaryArtistShop> I'm currently working on a deal with Thirsty Ear Records for a compilation of the two acoustic records - The Best of BelewPrints. All it needs now is a bigger offer for lots more money! LOL!!!!
<GaryArtistShop> We're that close LOL!!!
<GaryArtistShop> OK, folks, Adrian is back on line and will resume answering for himself.
<GaryArtistShop> But that was fun ;-)
<WotanCCC> Very cool. Thanks for your extra efforts Adrian.
<Audience Question> intruder7374 says: Mr. Belew, are you at all involved with the new Collectors Club?
<Opzop> I've sent two possibilties:one is a live bootleg of the Bears live at the Roxy in L.A.
<Opzop> The other is a live acoustic set called "Tango Zebra:Live in Argentina".GA
<Audience Question> katiemac says: Adrian, when you compose, which comes first, the music or the lyrics?
<WotanCCC> Again, we're going to try and get to as many questions as possible folks...
<Opzop> Almost always the music.The only singular exception I can think of is Motor Bungalow from
<Opzop> Mr. Music Head. Lyrics (and turbulence) are my nemesis.GA
<Audience Question> robmurple says: Can you explain the difference between Japan, DGM, and US versions of Belewprints?
<Opzop> Japan and DGM versions are the same.
<Opzop> and Include 2 different tracks from theUS version.GA
<GaryArtistShop> I've heard that fans are trying to petition Island to re-release your first two albums - Lone Rhino and Twang Bar King - in their entirety. Do you know if there's any progress in that direction?
<Audience Question> fredfrith1 says: during Vroom you use an incredible technique for the harmonics, what is your recommended practice approach to acquire the same for a fledgling player?
<WotanCCC> Sorry Adrian...
<Opzop> There is a petetion and if you'd like to sign it please do so at Rob Murphree's Adrian Belew web site.
<Opzop> We need your halp.GA
<WotanCCC> Could you address the fredfrith question please?
<Opzop> My technique for the VRooom harmonics is to position the gtr pick between
<Opzop> the middle finger and the thumb and to strike the harmonic with the index finger.
<Opzop> Start by striking the string an octave above the note you are playing.
<Opzop> As you become more proficient you can strike it other places.GA
<WotanCCC> The mellotron and the "backwards guitar" sounds you use...are they synthesizer patches you created? Are those done on your GR1?
<WotanCCC> I've got a GR1 and I can't even come close...
<GaryArtistShop> For those of you who haven't been to Rob Murpree's Adrian Belew website, the URL is
<Opzop> The mellotron-type sound is a patch I created on the GR-1 ( and recently accidentally
<GaryArtistShop> And please, please, please sign the petition!
<Opzop> erased forever).The backwards sound is a Roland RPS-10 pitch shifter (although i now have
<WotanCCC> Ouch
<Opzop> a much better way to create backwards sounds with the upcoming software for my
<Opzop> Johnson Millennium Amp.GA
<WotanCCC> Cool Thanks.
<Audience Question> tper says: What is the best way for a new musician to get into the industry right now?
<Opzop> Have you ever heard of Monica Lewinsky?GA
<WotanCCC> Yikes
<WotanCCC> Next
<Audience Question> ohmytvc15 says: < I'll try this again...Hello Adrian! Met you in FL, 1990, loved the work you did with Bowie (young lions)..any chance you will work with him again?
<GaryArtistShop> LOL!
<Opzop> David and I agreed to work again sooner or later.
<Opzop> I hope sooner than later.GA
<Audience Question> bwilde says: Have you ever recorded a song that didn't make it on an album...outtakes?
<Opzop> Have I ever!!!
<Opzop> We currently have 90 tracks worth of rarities,outtakes,demos,unreleased tracks,
<Opzop> live recordings,etc. which are scheduled to be released on my 20th ann. of making solo records.GA
<Audience Question> sisterray1 says: do the members of king crimson generally get along and/or are friends with one another?
<Opzop> By the's called "Dust" GA
<Opzop> Yes,it's a very civilized bandpect and enjoy each other.GA
<Audience Question> burgerandy says: Will King Crimson feature strictly digital drums in the future?
<WotanCCC> Good question burgerandy
<Opzop> If you ask Robert,the answer is yes,If you ask Bill,the answer is no.
<WotanCCC> LOL
<Opzop> Let's flip a coin.GA
<Audience Question> brunson says: Ike willis and other ,members from the Zappa band have been touring as Project Object, have you been asked or would you consider playing with them in any upcomming shows?
<Opzop> I haven't been asked but I would consider it,but Frankly (excuse the pun) I'm way busy.GA
<GaryArtistShop> Adrian, to me OP ZOP TOO WAH is the archetype Adrian Belew album that seems to draw on every facet of your musical career. A wonderful album and my favorite of your solos. But I get the feeling that Caroline sort of dropped the ball on that and it didn't get the push that it really deserved. What happened there?
<Opzop> Record labels frequently change direction.
<Opzop> I believe Caroline had little or no intention of promoting Op Zop Too Wah because
<Opzop> they had already changed horses.GA
<WotanCCC> And now for our last question of the evening....
<Audience Question> mcmayhem says: In what direction do you want to take your solo music next?
<Opzop> As I mentioned earlier I'm working on a very focused record of power guitar trio music.
<Opzop> I've found a way to enhance the guitarists role by using something I call Belewps,
<Opzop> a way of creating loops which are not static and which change when you play.
<Opzop> Thereby allowing me to sound like several guitarists at once.
<Opzop> It's very exciting and I've already recorded the first 6 tracks.GA
<WotanCCC> Amazing
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Is there anything else you would like to mention
<WotanCCC> before we conclude tonight?
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Great questions tonight folks.
<Opzop> Just to say thanks for everyone joining us and keep your eye out for the upcoming releases.
<Opzop> Soooolong...
<WotanCCC> Very cool, Thanks so much for joining us Adrian.
<GaryArtistShop> Yes, thanks much!
<WotanCCC> Looks like our time is up...
<Opzop> you are most welcome.
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> I'd like to thank everyone for joining us tonight.
<WotanCCC> Adrian, we appreciate your taking the time to
<WotanCCC> come and chat with us tonight, and hope you¹ll
<WotanCCC> come back to Talk City again soon!
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> To purchase Adrian Belew's "BelewPrints, Subtitled
<WotanCCC> 'The Acoustic Adrian Belew Volume Two'",
<WotanCCC> or for information on other Artist offerings,
<WotanCCC> please visit The Artist Shop Online at:
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Finally, thanks to the Artist Shop for working with
<WotanCCC> us on this conference. We especially appreciate the
<WotanCCC> efforts of Gary Davis in giving us the opportunity to
<WotanCCC> speak with Adrian Belew.
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> .
<WotanCCC> Thank you all for coming, I hope you had a good time...
<GaryArtistShop> You're quite welcome.
<WotanCCC> And we'll see you later.
<GaryArtistShop> G'nite all!