Mel Collins Discography

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This discography was originally compiled by Richard Fox and Ian Murray. I did some editing and added little new stuff from other replies to my posting - But the above two should be credited for creating this discography. Some artists/bands are marked with a question mark, meaning nobody's sure Collins really played in that album.

Corrections and more information are always welcome.

Ofir Zwebner
e-mail: ofirz at post dot tau dot ac dot il

Last updated: 14-Sep-1997.

                        Mel Collins Discography 

Ainley, Charlie         Too Much Is Not Enough             1978
Alan Parsons Project    Eye in the Sky                     1982
                        Ammonia Avenue                     1984
Armatrading, Joan       Show Some Emotion                  1977
                        Walk Under Ladders                 1981
                        Key                                1983
Bad Company             Bad Company                        1974
                        Burning Sky                        1977
                        Rough Diamonds                     1982
Bardens, Peter          Heart to Heart                     1979
Baron Rojo              Volumen Brutal                     1982
Batt, Mike              Tarot Suite                        1979
                        Waves                              1980
                        The Hunting Of The Snark           1986
Bell, Graham            Graham Bell                        1972
(Amazing) Blondel       Inspiration                        1975
Bonnet, Graham          Line Up                            1981
Bown (Set), Alan        Listen                             1971
                        Stretching Out (Producer)          ????
Brady, Paul             True for You                       1986
Brett, Paul             Interlife                          1978
Brooker, Gary           Lead Me to the Water               1982
Bucks Fizz              Bucks Fizz                         1981
                        Writing On The Wall                1986
Burdon, Eric            In the Beginning                   1965
                        Darkness Darkness                  1980
Burnette, Rocky         Son of Rock'n'roll                 1979
Byron Band              On the Rocks                       1981
Camel                   Moonmadness                        1976
                        Raindances                         1977
                        A Live Record                      1978
                        Breathless                         1978
                        I Can See Your House From Here     1979
                        Nude                               1981
                        Stationary Traveller               1983
                        Pressure Points                    1983
Capaldi, Jim            The Sweet Smell of... Success      1980
                        Let the Thunder Cry                1981
                        Fierce Heart                       1983
                        Some Come Running                  1988
Caravan                 Back to Front                      1982
                        Collection                         1984
Carrack, Paul           The Night Bird                     1980
Chapman, Roger          Live in Hamburg                    1979
Chili Charles           Busy Corner                        1974
Christmas, Keith        Brighter Day                       1974
Circus                  Circus                             1969
Clannad                 Macalla                            1985
                        Sirius                             1988
                        Pastpresent                        1989
                        Anam                               1990
                        Lore                               1996
Clapton, Eric           Slowhand                           1977
Cocker, Joe             Cocker                             1986
Darby, Terence Trent    Introducing the Hardline According 1987
Dickson, Barbara        Barbara Dickson Album              1980
Dire Straits            Twisting by the Pool [EP]          1983
                        Alchemy                            1984
                        Money for Nothing                  1988
Dore, Charlie           Where to Now                       1979
El Pea                  El Pea (Producer)                  ????
Fairweather Low, Andy   Mega Shebang                       1980
Faithfull, Marianne     ?????? 
Far Corporation         Division One                       1985
Ferry, Brian            Let's Stick Together               1976
                        In Your Mind                       1977
                        Taxi                               1993
Fool's Gold             Mr. Lucky                          1977
Forrester, Sharon       Sharon                             1974
Freeway                 Freeway                            1979
Gabriel, Peter ?        ???  
Gass                    Gass                               1979
Gillespie, Dana         Aint Gonna Play No Second Fiddle   1974
Go West                 Bangs & Crashes                    1985
Godley & Creme          Consequences                       ????
Good Rats, The          Birth Comes to us all              ????
Grand Hotel             Do Not Disturb                     1979
Grease Band             Amazing Grease                     1975
Green, Jack             Humanesque                         1980
                        Reverse Logic                      1981
Hamill, Claire          Abacadabra                         1975
Hart, Corey             Singles                            1992
Haslam, Annie           Annie Haslam                       1989
Haworth, Bryn           Let the Days Go By                 1974
                        Sunny Side of the Street           1975
                        Keep the Ball Rolling              1979
Heron Mike              Mike Heron                         1980
Hinkley's Hero's        (this is a touring backupband)     76,77,80 tours
Humble Pie              Thunderbox                         1974
                        Street Rats                        1975
Ian Matthews and        Stealin' Home                      1978
  Matthews' Southern    Shake It                           1978
  Comfort               Siamese Friends                    1979
King Crimson            In the Wake of Poseidon            1970
                        Lizards                            1970
                        Islands                            1971
                        Earthbound                         1972
                        Red                                1974
Kokomo                  Kokomo                             1975
                        Rise and Shine                     1975
                        Kokomo                             1982
Korner, Alex            Accidentally Born in New Orleans   1973
                        Snape Live on Tour                 1974
                        Alexis Korner                      1974
                        Mr. Blues                          1974
                        The Party LP                       1980
                        And Friends                        1982
Lee, Alvin              Road to Freedom                    1973
                        In Flight                          1974
                        Pump Iron                          1975
                        Pure Blues                         1995
Liner                   Liner                              1979
Lockran, Gerry          Rags to Gladrags                   1976
Lodge, John             Natural Avenue                     1977
Lynott, Phil            Philip Lynott Album                1982
MacKay, Duncan          Score                              1977
Manzanera, Phil         Listen Now                         1977
                        K Scope                            1978
                        Guitarissimo (1975-1982)           1987
Mason, Nick 
    and Rick Fenn       Profiles                           1985
Matthews, Iain          Shake It                           1978
                        Siamese Friends                    1979
McCalla, Noel           Night Time Emotion                 1979
McDonald, Lennie        Hard Road                          1975
Meatloaf                Blind Before I Stop                1986
Miles, John             Play on                            1983
Milli Vanilli           Girl You Know it's True            ????
Murray Head             ??
Natasha                 Captured                           1982
No Man                  Flowermounth                       1994
Noakes, Rab             Restless                           1978
Ocean, Billy            Inner Feelings                     1982
Oldfield, Sally         Celebration                        1980
                        Playing in the Flame               1981
O'Malley, Tony          Naked Flame                        ????
One the Juggler         Nearly a Sin                       1984
Palmer, Robert          Pressure Drop                      1975
Palmer, Poli            Human Error                        1985
Parker, Graham          Real Macaw                         1983
                        Passion Is No Ordinary Word        1993
Parsons Project, Alan   Best of...                         1988
Pezband                 Pezband                            1977
                        Laughing in the Sky                1978
                        Cover to Cover                     1981
Phillips, Anthony       Wise After the Event               1978
                        Sides                              1978
Powell, Cozy            Tilt                               1981
Propaganda              1234                               1990
Rafferty, Gerry         Night Owl                          1979
                        Snakes and Ladders                 1980
                        Sleepwalking                       1982
                        North & South                      1988
                        Best of Gerry Rafferty: Right Down 1989
                        On A Wing And A Prayer             1992
                        Over My Head                       1994
Rafferty, Jim           Dont Talk Back                     1978
                        Solid Logic                        1979
Retainers               (tour only)                        1978
Richard, Cliff          31st of February Street            1974
                        Now You See Me...Now You Don't     1982
Rolling Stones          Love You Live                      1977
                        Some Girls                         1978
Sad Cafe                Politics of Existing               ????
Sinfield, Pete          Still                              1973
Small Faces             Playmates                          1977
Snafu                   Situation Normal                   1974
                        All Funked Up                      1975
Squire, Chris           Fish Out of Water                  1975
Stray Cats              Rant N' Rave with the Stray Cats   1983
Stray Dog               Fasten Your Seat Belts             1973
Streetwalkers           Vicious But Fair                   1977
Sylvian, David          Gone to Earth                      1986
Tears for Fears         The Hurting                        ????
                        Songs from the Big Chair           1985
Thornalley, Phil        Swamp                              1988
Townshend/Lane          Rough Mix                          1977
Try `n' B               Try `n' B                          1992
Turner, Tina            Private Dancer                     1984
Uriah Heep              Return to Fantasy                  1975
Vapour Trails           Vapour Trails                      1979
                        VTs                                1980
Various Artists         Secret Policeman's Other Ball      1982
Waits, Tom              (performed with him 1 time live)   1979
Wagner, Adrian          Instincts                          1977
Wang Chung              Points on the Curve                1984
Warley, Steve           Steve Warley                       1982
Waters, Roger           Radio Kaos                         1987
Westernhagen            Affentheater                       1994
When the Wind Blows     When the Wind Blows                1987
Wild Blue               No More Jinx                       1986
Wright, Richard         Wet Dream                          1978


Rock Record (1982)
Clannad Discography (Don Grim)
Dire Straits Discography (Rand P Hall)
Genesis Discography (Scott McMahan)