Cadence and Cascade (Tab)

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Date Submitted: 31-Oct-94
By: Frank Carvalho (fdc at simcorp dot dk)

Cadence and cascade chords:

"Cadence and cascade...." :
||: E | F#m7 | G#m7 | F#m7 :||

"Sad paper courtesan....":
| E  G#m7 | A  E | E  G#m7 | A9  A | A   (break with piano) |

"Cadence oiled him down...":
||:A maj7 | Am7 | Bm7 | A m7 :|| A   (break with piano) |

Instrumental with flute:
||: E | Cmaj7 | G maj7 | F# m7 B7 :||

Date Submitted: 29-Oct-94
By: James Dignan (james.dignan at stonebow dot otago dot ac dot nz)

Note- I use an odd notation that saves space! I
simply list the six strings and their fret numbers so that, say, D would be
(X00232), or E would be (022100). I hope you can follow that OK.

(022100) Cadence, and Cas... (042222) ...cade kept a
(066444) man named (042222) Jade
(022100) cool in the (042222) shade while his
(066444) audience (042222) played
(022100) purred (021100) whispered (002220) spend us (022100) too
(022100) we (021100) only (002200) serve for (002220) you

(022100) (021100) (020100) (002220)

repeat for verse two until...
(022100) they (021100) found him (002200) just a (022100) man

(446654) Caravan hotel (335553) where the sequin spell fell
(224432) custom of the (002120) game
(repeat structure, then)
(022100) (242222) (466444)

The chords:
(022100) = E;  (042222) = F#m7/E;  (066444) = G#m/E;
(021100) = EM7;  (002220) = A;  (002200) = Asus; (020100) = E7;
(446654) = C#m;  (335553) = C;  (224432) = Bm;  (002120) = AM7;
(242222) = F#m7;  (466444) = G#m

James Dignan, Department of Psychology, University of Otago.

Date Submitted: 13-Oct-97
By: John Rockey (rockey1 at telusplanet dot net)

This is my version of how I play it: It sounds good to me, but I can't quite
get the fast pickin" Hope It helps anyone.

Cadence and Cascade: King Crimson


Cadence and cascade              kept a man             named jade...

E                      A                     E7                    A
- -------|--------------|---------|-----------|---------|----------|---------|
- -------|-----0--0-----|-------2-|----2-2----|---------|----------|-----2---|
- -----1-|---1--1--1----|-------2-|---2-2-2---|------4--|----4-4---|-----2---|
- -------|--------------|---------|-----------|------6--|---6-6-6--|---------|
- ---2---|-2---------2--|-----4---|-4------4--|----6----|-6------6-|---4-----|
- -0-----|--------------|--0------|-----------|-0-------|----------|-0-------|

1:                     2:

- -----9-----7------5---|---------------|-----------------------------------
- ----------------------|----2----------|-----------------------------------
- -----9-----8------6---|-------2-------|-----------------------------------
- ----------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------
- --0-----0-----0-------|-----------4---|-----------------------------------
- ----------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------


Purred,      whispered  spend us too         We           only
Sad          paper      courtasan            they         found him

   E          G#m7?      A    Esus    E         E          G#m7?

- ----------4-|---------7|--------------------|----------4-|---------7--
- ------------|----------|----5---------0-----|------------|------------
- -----1------|-----4----|---6---4-------1----|-----1------|-----4------
- ---2---2----|---6--6---|--7-----7-------2---|---2---2----|---6--6-----
- ------------|----------|-----------------2--|------------|------------
- ------------|----------|----------0-------0-|------------|------------

serve for you........

Just a man.......(cut to bridge here)

 A       Esus  A    Esus     A

- --------------------------------0---|---------------0----------|
- -----5------------5-----------5-----|------------5-------------|
- ---6------4---6-------4---6---------|---4---6------------piano-|
- --7-7---7---7---7---7---7---7-------|-7---7---7----------------|
- ------------------------------------|--------------------------|
- ------------------------------------|--------------------------|

- --9--7--5-------7-----7-----7-------------------------------9--7--5--|
- --------------9-----9-----7-------------------5----------------------|
- --9--8--6---9-----8-----7--------6----4---6--------piano----9--8--6--|
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------|
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------|

back to beginning change picking a bit


F#m7                   Am7               Em7              Amaj7

Caravan hotel        where the sequin spell fell custom of the game

F#m7                   Am7               Em7              Amaj7

Cadence oiled in love, licked his velvet glove Cascade kissed his name

Back to beginning with lots of little changes, lots of flute.

   Amaj7                 | substitute "Piano" to keep the flow
- ----0-0----------------|---------------------------------------------------
- ---2----2---2----------|-------------------5-------------------------------
- --1-------1---1---1----|----6------4---6-----------------------------------
- -2--------------2---2--|--7------7---7---7---------------------------------
- 0--------------------0-|---------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------|---------------------------------------------------

Thank you to King Crimson for thw lovely song!

Hope you like It! Any suggestions please e-mail me at
rockey1 at agt dot net

Date Submitted: 2-July-16
By: Jacques Lonchampt (jacques dot lonchampt at u-pec dot fr)
