ETWiki:Site support
Although both ETWiki is a completely free resource, and will always remain so, it inevitably has running costs, such as hosting and domain name fees. If you'd care to make a donation, however small, towards the upkeep of ETWiki, we'd be very grateful.
All you need to do is follow this PayPal link, and log in with your PayPal account or, if you don't have one, create one. All proceeds will be managed by Toby Howard. Thank you!We would especially like to thank our donors to date!
Thank You, Donors!
We'd like to express our sincere gratitude to the following enthusiasts who have donated towards the upkeep and support of Elephant Talk. Their names are listed here with their permission. Of course we'd also like to thank all the other donors who have preferred to remain anonymous.
Thank you to:
Peter Allen, Daniel J. Buxbaum, David L. Bohnsack, Peter Bryant, Joan Bull, Rick Bunker, Mike Champagne, Carsten Collatz, Ole-Petter Dronen, Steve Feldman, Selwyn Gauthier, Serge Girard, Simon Godfrey, Edward Groves, Owen Keenan, King Crimson Live!, Jonathan Krall, Allan Merry, Ian Moffatt, xN Mukai, Mike O'Brien, Darren Peace, Michel Prevost, rone, J.D. Short, Gerard Sparaco, Mark D. Taylor, Doug Teramura, Dan Wasser, George and Brenda White, Russell Whitworth, Alan Wilde.
Last updated: 11 July, 2006.