ETWiki Logo Contest

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As you can see in the top left corner of this page we have an ETWiki logo that can probably be improved on.

This page is for you to submit and display your suggestion for a replacement logo.

The only requirement is that it is 135 pixels wide, and preferably also 135 pixels in height. Transparent GIFs or PNG are acceptable.

We know a lot of you are highly artistic so have at it, and present your entry below.

Entry # 1

ETwikiLogo BKurthy1.gif

Submitted by: Bob Kurthy
Comments: Based on the familiar Larks' Tongues in Aspic cover artwork.

Entry # 2

Etwiki nose.jpg

Submitted by: bg
Comments: Haphazard.

Entry # 3

File:Logo entry file name

Submitted by: your name
Comments: any thing you want to say about it
