Fripp Posts
The following is a list originally compiled by Michael Wyzard of Fripp's contributions to the Elephant Talk newsletter. Mike compiled this list because he felt many of the questions that continued to pop up in the newsletter (such as bootlegging and angry Fripp encounters) had been previously answered by Fripp himself in previous digests.
The list was put together by searching newsletter archives for the Compuserve email address (73064.1470 at compusserve dot com), as well as from Fripp's own self-referencing. Listed are the digest the contributions are found in, the date the messages were written, and a short synopses.
Posting Reference
- Digest 111 (15-Oct-1993):
Via Toby, Fripp's Eulogy for Edie Fripp, his mother.
- Digest 120 (17-Dec-1993):
Via Toby, Fripp's article, "The Road To Graceland".
- Digest 127 (4-Mar-1994):
Via Toby, an open letter to RF in "Input" magazine, criticizing his participation in the latest incarnation of KC. RF's reply follows.
- Digest 128 (9-Mar-1994):
Via Toby, a letter from a disgruntled fan who wished to see RF better at the Fripp/Sylvian show. RF responds in his inimitable style.
- Digest 145 (18-Aug-1994):
Updates on DGM ordering, catalog (8/18/94), upcoming releases.
- Digest 147 (10-Sep-1994):
Further details on DGM ordering, and news of upcoming Double Trio activity.
- Digest 173 (13-Mar-1995):
King Crimson 1995. The origins of the Double Trio and its recent work, including definitions of THRAK terminology. DGM catalog and management info.
- Digest 328 (13-Jan-1997):
Questions posed about audience-performer obligations/responsibilities. States how reading and interacting w/ ET will help him reach his aim.
- Digest 332 (21/22-Jan-1997):
- Replies to posted RF-encounter. RF talks about expectation, assumption, reactions, and rights, as well as explaining his behavior in such situations. Also poses questions to poster similar to those in ET #328.
- Replies to reply to non-RF-encounter. Similar questions posed.
- Digest 334 (27-Jan-1997):
Invitation to Epitaph listening party, w/ description/track listing of Epitaph.
- Digest 336 (28/29-Jan-1997):
- Reply to posted RF-encounter from 1977. RF again questions poster.
- Second invite to Epitaph listening party, similar to first.
- Commentary on an exchange between ETers, which questioned RF's motivation for making music.
- Digest 342 (5-Feb-1997):
- Thoughts on how the internet might change how one interacts w/ the public. Second, reflection on the 'contradictions' in his own career. Third, description of what he's doing posting on ET. Fourth, suggestions for ET.
- Responses to ET 336: Tom Jones to KC in four easy steps, Robert Wyatt, Belew, UK, Mellotrons, "responsibilities, expectations, hopes," and bootlegging, the non-consensual act.
- More on Epitaph and listening party.
- Digest 343 (6-Feb-1997):
- Response to suggestion that he become more "accessible." Includes possible titles of Fripp's autobio.
- Another reply to posted Fripp enounter.
- Digest 345 (10-Feb-1997):
- Update on recent Possible Productions changes.
- Epitaph listening party.
- Response to questions about others making a tribute CD.
- Response to replies to Fripp's replies to posted Fripp encounter.
- Digest 350 (15-Feb-1997):
Numerous replys to ET posts, including comments on: achieving the aim w/out suffering, metrical structure of "Breathless," a post suggesting Fripp "lighten up," bootlegging/capturing the moment, and two Guitar Craft monographs.
- Digest 408 (13-Aug-1997):
- Thorough explanation of recent Possible Productions events.
- A reply to a recent public complaint about PP's mail order service. Many mail order issues are discussed and explained.
- Fripp's stance on the reports of Fripp encounters in general.
- Reply to a recent ELP concert report that compared it to a KC concert.
- Notes about upcoming releases of "Night Watch" and other Discipline Archive news.
- Digest 417 (10-Sep-1997):
- PROJEkCT ONE, a description and explanation.
- Upcoming Soundscape.
- A request that we think of Fripp in the worst terms possible.
- Digest 432 (4-Nov-1997):
- Updates on upcoming PROJECkTs One, Two, and Three, as well as upcoming Soundscape performances.
- More commentary and questions on another close encounter of the Fripp kind.
- Digest 538 (7-Sep-1998):
- Feedback on DGM Club w/ "Sample Q & A"
- Correspondence w/ RF
- ProjeKct Two tour finances
- Guitar Craft enquires for Europe
- Digest 1251 (17-Feb-2007):
- A final farewell to the ET newsletter.