Interview with Robert Fripp and David Sylvian in Blah Blah

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Submitted and Translated By: Stephane Alexandre (Stephane.Alexandre at univ-rouen dot fr)

Interviewer: B. Filipetti in "Blah Blah"
The same questions were asken separately to Robert Fripp and David Syvian.

First part Robert Fripp

Filipetti : Robert is it possible to say that (in this project) there is 50% from you and 50% from David?

Robert : -silence- No, not at all, you cannot be that categorical. It is not really easy to define this record, it's trully a mutual collaboration. Each of us brings his own background and the alchemy occured.

Filipetti : How were the recording sessions?

Robert : On an empirical way and without any preconceived idea. Everything was recorded "live" which means without any preliminary writing. Every idea were good, they just needed to be finished.

Filipetti : Are the ideas on that record new or old?

Robert : Of course new since nothing was investigated before.

Second part David Sylvian

Filipetti : David is it possible to say that (in this project) there is 50% from you and 50% from Robert?

David : The formula seems to be good, simple and may be considered as a good definition.

Filipetti : How were the recording sessions?

David : Divine! The strangest : my relationship with Robert. He is a so bright artist! He came in the morning, asking if there was something specific to do. He only did one take of his work, he always said : it is perfect. He considers his studio work as if he was on stage, so he was perfect all the time. You may imagine the atmosphere with me who may only feel good in a studio.

Filipetti : Are the ideas on that record new or old?

Robert : I understand the meaning of your question, everything is new, but it is obvious that they may look like if they came from yesterday. It is true that one travels with his packs [in french it is written : 'il est sur que l'on voyage avec ses valises' which means something like 'one shall arrange himself with his background'].
