FAQ - Elephant Talk
What is Elephant Talk?
Elephant Talk, also affectionately known as ET, was originally a digest-format newsletter distributed by electronic mail, and available on the WWW. It was started in August 1991 by its editor and moderator, Toby Howard. The Elephant Talk Web site got its own domain name in December 1997, and is maintained by Daniel Kirkdorffer. The newsletter allowed readers and contributors to swap information, write reviews, answer queries, collaborate on discographies, transcribe music, or just chat about frippery in general. The Web site serves as an archive of content from the newsletter, as well as additional content sent in by enthusiasts. Robert Fripp read the Elephant Talk newsletter, and occasionally contributed. The newsletter was discontinued after 1251 issues, and over 15 years of chit-chat, but the complete archives can be found at https://www.elephant-talk.com/digests/
What is ETWiki?
ETWiki is described here.
What is ET's purpose?
In the first issue of Discipline (from 1991), Toby Howard said:
"I started the list so we could talk about Fripp and his music/ideas, as well as former (and I hope future!) King Crimson members, and other collaborators, the League of Crafty Guitarists etc etc etc".
ET Web became the home of the newsletter, and a repository for various information about King Crimson and Robert Fripp.
Following the end of the newsletter, if made sense to convert ET Web into a wiki, and open up the ability to update the content to all.
Are Are newsletter posts from Adrian Belew/Robert Fripp/Tony Levin/Trey Gunn/Paul Richards legitimate?
Where can I find all the back issues of Elephant Talk?
The Elephant Talk newsletter archives can be found at https://www.elephant-talk.com/digests/.
What are some milestones in ET history?
- Discipline #1 (the first newsletter), August 19, 1991. The first poster was Brian Patrick Arnold.
- Discipline Archives created, September 24, 1992.
- Discipline #100, July 14, 1993. In this issue, Toby announces that Robert Fripp has written to him personally and requested back issues of Discipline. The number of readers at this time is 339.
- Discipline #111, October 15, 1993. Robert's first post: a eulogy to his mother.
- Elephant Talk. Issue #148, from Friday, September 16, 1994, announces its new name. At this time there are over 900 readers in 26 different countries.
- ET FAQ. On October 17, 1994, Toby Howard published an embryonic version of the FAQ. A website has also been started.
- ET#153. On October 20, 1994 (ET#153), guitarist Udo Dzierzanowski introduced the Europa String Choir, a new DGM act, to ET readers.
- ET#157. Tony Levin's first post. On November 18, 1994, Trey Gunn also posts for the first time.
- ET#171. In this issue Webmaster Dan K. announces that ET web will have a page to link to ETers personal web pages.
- ET#200. On June 16, 1995, Tony Levin makes a post in recognition of ET's 200th issue: but more importantly confides to the readership how, during the recording of 'THRAK', that the posts to ET were being read and discussed by the members of King Crimson.
- ET#289. Thomas J. Mathews writes, "I've been wondering how us ETers could more readily identify ourselves to each other at shows....any (good) ideas??". To which mike Roeder replies on July 7, 1996 with the idea of an ET t-shirt.
- ET#319. Matt Walsh posts to ET about creating a CD-tribute to King Crimson. The ET Tribute CD becomes an ongoing project, championed by Matt, to produce a professional Audio Compact Disc comprised of recordings of ETers performing KC material.
- ET#330. Starting with this issue, ETers began a detailed series of responses to Robert Fripp's questions regarding the nature of the fan/performer relationship.
- ET#441. Jeffrey Weinberger announces the creation of "Elephant Tape", a website where ETers and other music lovers can download and enjoy music samples in Real Audio.
- ET#445. On December 15, 1997, it was announced that ET web now had its very own domain name, www.elephant-talk.com. This topped off many months of monumental work by Dan Kirkdorffer to make ET web the great site it is.
- ET#468. Toby begins organizing the newsletter by sections: NEWS, TALK and GIG REVIEWS, as it is today.
- ET#477. Stephane Alexandre announces Elephant Walk, a web site about the different live incarnations of the Crimson King.
- ET#481. On Wednesday, 1 April 1998, Toby, Dan and Mike published a special April Fool's edition of ET. Check it out, it's a gasser!
- ET#485. Matt Walsh informs ET about the ET Tribute CD cover art survey.
- ET#500. The 500th issue! It was published Saturday, May 23, 1998.
- ET#507. Michael Flaherty posts to ET relating an appearance by Robert Fripp in Chicago (Tower Records) in which he mentions the creation of the DGM Collector's Club. In ET#508 another post, this one by Rich Malitz, confirms the Club. ET#510 and ET#513 are special issues of ET in which almost all of the comments from ETers are in favor of such an enterprise.
- ET#538. Robert makes an important post regarding both ET and the brand new DGM Collector's Club.
- ET#556. Matt Walsh announces his impending retirement from the ET KC tribute project, and asks for someone to step in and champion the project in his stead. The tribute was subsequently transferred to the E-Tape website.
- ET#592. Dan K. announces the re-hosting of ET web to the current server.
- ET#603. Dan K. announces that the newsletter is now available for downloads to PDA (Palm Pilot or Wn CE device).
- ET#869. August 19, 2001 - ET celebrates its 10th anniversary!
- ET#1251. February 18, 2007 - The final ET newsletter!
Who are the individuals represented in the letters of the ET logo?
Tim Ryan, the creator of the Elephant Talk logo, verifies that Markus Gnad came real close in choosing the identity of everyone represented in the ET logo letters. Just for the record, here are the correct answers:
- E: from the cover of 'In The Court Of The Crimson King'
- L: Tony Levin
- E: Robert Fripp
- P: Adrian Belew
- H: from the cover of 'In The Wake Of Poseidon'
- A: from the cover of 'In The Court Of The Crimson King'
- N: John Wetton
- T: Bill Bruford
- T: Mike Giles
- A: Greg Lake
- L: Trey Gunn
- K: Ian MacDonald